

GlycoNet Integrated Services

Glycomics is poised to be the major contributor to two of the fastest-growing industry sectors globally (biotechnology and pharma), building on the already transformative impacts of genomics and proteomics. GlycoNet Integrated Services (GIS) was launched with the vision of becoming the world’s leading glycomics service provider. GIS’ glycomics toolbox uniquely equips glycomics researchers, partners and […]

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PeaCE (Pea Climate-Efficient): Developing climate-resilient, low carbon footprint field pea as a preferred rotation crop through the inter-disciplinary integration of genomic technologies

The global demand for food is expected to increase by 35–50% by 2050. To meet this demand and alleviate strain on agriculture, synthetic nitrogen fertilizers are increasingly applied to oilseeds and cereal crops to maximize yields. However, nitrogen fertilizer contributes to nitrous oxide emissions, a powerful greenhouse gas (GHG) that is approximately 300 times more

PeaCE (Pea Climate-Efficient): Developing climate-resilient, low carbon footprint field pea as a preferred rotation crop through the inter-disciplinary integration of genomic technologies Read More »

The role of genomics in fostering and supporting arctic biodiversity: Implications for wildlife management, policy, and Indigenous food security

Wildlife genome information is extremely valuable for environmental decision making, yet much remains unused for this purpose. This project draws together partners with expertise across disciplines, cultures and organizations, building upon team strengths in Arctic observation and monitoring, biology, conservation, cyber-cartography, data management, genomics, geography, Indigenous Knowledge, the legal and policy sciences, and resource management.

The role of genomics in fostering and supporting arctic biodiversity: Implications for wildlife management, policy, and Indigenous food security Read More »

Transcriptional and epigenetic events underpinning Navacim-Induced TR1 cell formation and expansion

More than 100 autoimmune diseases have complex immune responses to autoantigens. Nanoparticles coated with autoimmune-disease-relevant peptide-major histocompatibility complexes (Navacims) have the potential to halt and cure autoimmune disease by restoring immune tolerance without compromising normal immunity to infections and cancer. They are currently the only technology that can activate internal generation of disease-specific regulatory T

Transcriptional and epigenetic events underpinning Navacim-Induced TR1 cell formation and expansion Read More »

Genomic testing of wastewater to promote public health and safeguard economic performance

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the urgent need for early warning surveillance systems that can provide information to public health authorities on emerging COVID-19 variants and other infectious diseases. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a non-invasive, comprehensive, and cost-effective early warning system that enables population-level monitoring independent of clinical testing. The research team has already developed

Genomic testing of wastewater to promote public health and safeguard economic performance Read More »

TIGeR: Translational implementation of genomics for rare diseases

Alberta patients with or suspected of having rare genetic diseases continue to face lengthy diagnostic odysseys, and clinical genome wide sequencing has emerged as a rapid and cost-effective approach to diagnosis. Large scale clinical genomics are not available in Alberta, and Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL) has relied primarily on US commercial labs to provide clinical

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