

Modeling and therapeutic targeting of the clinical and genetic diversity of glioblastoma

Glioblastoma (GBM) is a deadly brain cancer that has eluded major treatment advances. Previous research methodology of growing stem cells from the brain was pioneered by a lead on this project out of the University of Calgary and a recently established cell-based model system provided this project with the foundation for an innovative drug discovery […]

Modeling and therapeutic targeting of the clinical and genetic diversity of glioblastoma Read More »

Mass spectrometry-based structural proteomics for drug development & design

Proteins play a key role in important biological processes, and as such, are key targets for newly developed drugs. The three-dimensional model of a protein can be analyzed to find promising sites for potential drug binding, but determining the structure of a single protein typically takes months or even years. In order to speed up

Mass spectrometry-based structural proteomics for drug development & design Read More »

Enabling technologies for embryonic stem cell functional genomics

Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the potential to transform our knowledge of human disease and development and give rise to new classes of therapeutic agents – from novel drugs to cell-based therapies. To ensure Canada is strategically positioned to take full advantage of mouse and human ES cell resources, this proposal seeks to identify several

Enabling technologies for embryonic stem cell functional genomics Read More »

Translating science: Genomics and health systems

This project investigates the broad question: How is genomics knowledge translated in health systems and what are the consequent policy implications? Processes of translation involve the production of scientific knowledge, the protection of such knowledge through forms of intellectual property, and the interpretation, application, and commercialization of such knowledge. From a previous project founded in

Translating science: Genomics and health systems Read More »

North American conditional mouse mutagenesis project: high throughput mammalian functional analysis for the discovery of novel determinants of human disease

The International Knock-out Mouse Project is a worldwide effort to generate knock-out mutations in every gene in the mouse genome – and is widely considered to be the next most important step following the Human Genome Project. This project aims to identify and characterize the functions of mouse genes to better understand the role of

North American conditional mouse mutagenesis project: high throughput mammalian functional analysis for the discovery of novel determinants of human disease Read More »

Building the metabolomic toolbox – enabling rapid disease diagnosis through metabolic profiling

This proposal aims to build on a number of unique Canadian research strengths and technologies in metabolic profiling to create: 1) comprehensive metabolite databases, and 2) new software and/or analytical tools to facilitate the rapid and inexpensive profiling of metabolites for disease diagnosis and management. Specifically, using a combination of analytical methods that includes mass

Building the metabolomic toolbox – enabling rapid disease diagnosis through metabolic profiling Read More »

Development and implementation of rapid metagenomic sequencing coupled with isothermal amplification point of care testing for viral diagnostics

Pandemic viral threats recur periodically as infectious agents recombine and disseminate in populations. In these instances, rapid identification of viral genome sequences is required in order to develop a targeted diagnostic test. This group has developed an approach called Metagenomic sequencing with spiked primer enrichment (MSSPE) which allows for highly sensitive detection of viral genomes

Development and implementation of rapid metagenomic sequencing coupled with isothermal amplification point of care testing for viral diagnostics Read More »

From sequencer to results: enabling routine genomics use for clinical and public health microbiology in Alberta

The goal of this project is to generate a portable and flexible platform that generates results from routine bioinformatics workflows, and adds the output to an accessible, database which can be integrated with additional data as needed. This goal will be achieved by the following three objectives: (1) develop a flexible database architecture to manage

From sequencer to results: enabling routine genomics use for clinical and public health microbiology in Alberta Read More »

Computational tools for viral pathogenesis and epidemiology using third-generation sequencing

Third-Generation Sequencing (TGS) technology offers an exciting breakthrough opportunity for virology researchers. However, TGS faces technical challenges including a relatively high base calling error rate that is hard to distinguish from the high mutation rate of viruses. This project will develop novel tools for TGS by taking advantages of existing development focusing on base calling

Computational tools for viral pathogenesis and epidemiology using third-generation sequencing Read More »

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