Genomics research is fundamental to all biosciences and plays a critical role in diversifying the economy and improving the well-being of Canadians. The research themes include the role of regulation, knowledge and intellectual property management, democratic engagement, and technology transfer. Key findings from this research could provide evidence for decision makers in government, industry, and academia to advance Canadian competitiveness in moving discoveries into the marketplace by shaping public policy and streamlining regulation. The purpose of this project is to create an international ‘hub’ for decision-makers and academics to re-evaluate and improve policies and practices and to ensure that safe, efficacious, and valuable technologies reach the marketplace.
ActiveAgriculture & Agri-food
Climate Action Through Grazing (CAT-G)
Competition/Funding OpportunityGenome Canada - Climate-smart agriculture and food systems- interdisciplinary challenge teams
Project Lead(s)/Co-Lead(s)Carolyn Fitzsimmons (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)/University of Alberta) & James Cahill (University of Alberta)