
ClosedTechnology Platforms

The integrated and distributed bioinformatics platform

PROJECT LEAD(S)/CO-LEAD(S) Christoph Sensen (University of Calgary)
COMPETITION/ FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Multiple Genome Canada Opportunities
PROJECT START DATE January 1, 2004
PROJECT END DATE March 31, 2011

The Integrated and Distributed Bioinformatics Platform (IBP) was formed in 2002 and was operational into 2011. The overall goal of the Platform is to provide a coherent and powerful bioinformatics infrastructure that can be used by all Genome Canada-funded laboratories (and other laboratories in Canada). Through this strategy, IBP provides unique hardware or CPU cycles, “embedds” bioinformaticians into large-scale projects, creates generic, multipurpose software, databases and middleware (eg. BioMoby, SADI, BioLegato, BIRCH, HMDB, DrugBank), and provides custom software or advice. IBP is supported by a bioinformatics Grid computing infrastructure that connects dedicated hardware components located at University of Calgary’s Sun Centre of Excellence (COE) with generic login capability for over 1,500 users across Canada. Users from all over the world (more than 180 countries) and from various sectors accessed over 100 command-line and GUI software packages and up-to-date public sequence databases. 

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