The existence of considerable host genetic variance in susceptibility to diseases is well documented in the pig, and currently, discussion and research has focused on improving pig health and the most appropriate means to do this. Thus, the goal of this project is to develop genomic tools for genetic improvement of disease resilience in the Canadian pig industry. This project builds on current investments in this area by Genome Alberta, Genome Canada, the Canadian Swine Health Board (CSHB), Swine Innovation Porc and PigGen Canada. However, this project is novel and complements several other important “genomic disease resilience” projects because it aims to improve overall disease resistance or tolerance, rather than resistance to any one specific disease. As PigGen Canada members are the main breeding companies in Canada, the outcomes of this proposed research will be adopted by a large proportion of the Canadian pig industry in a short period of time.
ActiveAgriculture & Agri-food
Climate Action Through Grazing (CAT-G)
Competition/Funding OpportunityGenome Canada - Climate-smart agriculture and food systems- interdisciplinary challenge teams
Project Lead(s)/Co-Lead(s)Carolyn Fitzsimmons (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)/University of Alberta) & James Cahill (University of Alberta)