
ClosedTechnology Platforms

Establishing a metabolomics technology demonstration centre

PROJECT LEAD(S)/CO-LEAD(S) David Wishart (University of Alberta) & Christoph Borchers (University of Victoria)
COMPETITION/ FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Western Economic Diversification
PROJECT START DATE October 1, 2014
PROJECT END DATE March 31, 2018

Metabolomics is an emerging field of omics science that measures thousands of small molecule metabolites in cells, tissues, and organisms. The Metabolomics Innovation Centre (TMIC) is Canada’s national platform for large-scale metabolomics research and technology development and has created novel metabolomic technologies for a wide range of applications, including human and animal health, agriculture, and nutrition. However, it currently lacks the tools that have allowed other omics sciences such as proteomics, genomics, or transcriptomics to become such commercial successes. To address this gap, this project seeks to facilitate commercialization of metabolomic discoveries and innovative tools (kits, databases, software, devices) arising from TMIC’s research. The MTDC will provide the infrastructure, human resources, scientific, and business expertise required to bridge the research translation gap and transfer these technologies from proof-of-principle concepts to smoothly functioning prototypes. These prototypes would be made available to companies and researchers for commercialization.

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